They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
Still a better love story than Twilight. Tags:desperate drone low-battery saving
"My 2-year-old daughter has my hair, thin and fine. We visited a new park near our home and my husband was cracking up, and asked me to record her going down the slide. I love her little wiggly legs, and then her face because she knows her hair must look crazy!" Tags:electric funny hair kids
There’s always that one kid that thinks something is funny. But soon, the entire room is rolling with laughter. Tags:funny kids laugh toddler
Robb Scott was at the store when he heard a father and son talking. The son asked his father what Down Syndrome is and the father answered that it is an illness. Robb’s son has Down Syndrome and he wanted to say that the condition is anything but an illness. After he missed the opportunity to explain Down Syndrome to that child, Robb took to his Facebook page to explain it to the world. Tags:downsyndrome emotional father kids parents
This video will fill your eyes with tears. Tags:downsyndrome kids parents speaking