They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
Still a better love story than Twilight. Tags:desperate drone low-battery saving
Learn how to be smooth and cool with girls, guys, or even your crush. Being smooth is much less about what you say and more about HOW you say it, and the vibe your body gives off in the moment. Tags:cool smooth talker tutorial
Demolition doesn't go as planned. Tags:accident demolition fail plan
Anguished mother dog wails for wounded baby. Sweetest reunion! Tags:animals cool dog happy helping pets
In this episode of Open Door, Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man, Avengers) and wife Susan Downey turned a converted windmill into a stylish and charming Hamptons home. Tags:actors celebrities downey home robert windmill
A professional Spanish ham cutter tells us everything you ever wanted to or didn't know you needed to know about how to cut Jamón Ibérico. Tags:cool cutting expensive food ham spain
Baby, it's cold outside! We hope you guys stayed warm! This week we have a compilation featuring fails in crazy weather! Snow, rain, hail, we got it all! Tags:compilation fail polar problems vortex