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Trying a $321 Bowl of Soup Trying a $321 Bowl of Soup Miscellaneous

Beef noodle soup is a staple throughout Taiwan. You’ll pay around $6 for a bowl at most restaurants in Taipei. But you’ll fork over $321 for the elite beef noodle soup at Niu Ba Ba. Yes, $321. For. One. Bowl. Why so expensive? Well, for starters, it is made with high-quality wagyu beef. Tags:bowl luxury noodle soup

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Hot Twins Ask Regular Guys To Have A Threesome Hot Twins Ask Regular Guys To Have A Threesome Internets Best

For those who love pranks. Tags:hot prank threesome twins video

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Man casually confesses to murdering child molester in prison Man casually confesses to murdering child molester in prison Miscellaneous

Convicted murderer Steven Sandison confesses to police to killing his child molester cellmate in October at the Saginaw Correctional Facility in Freeland. Tags:confession killing murderer sandison steven

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The Human Back Is A Design Disaster The Human Back Is A Design Disaster Miscellaneous

Everyone who lives long enough is likely to experience back pain. And the cause isn't just aging. We have evolution to blame for a spine that's an engineering nightmare. Tags:back body design disaster human spine

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Giant Panda Tumbles Around In The Snow Giant Panda Tumbles Around In The Snow Internets Best

Panda enjoys spending time in snow. Tags:animals cool panda snow

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Instant Karma For iPhone Thief Instant Karma For iPhone Thief Internets Best

Karma doesn't forgive! Tags:instant iphone karma thief

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Genius dad keeps his girls from crying Genius dad keeps his girls from crying Funny

Genius dad keeps his girls from crying by making them take turns. Tags:crying day funny genius kids

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This Is Why Russell Westbrook Will NEVER WIN A Title This Is Why Russell Westbrook Will NEVER WIN A Title Sports

Russell Westbrook is one of the players I enjoy watching on a nightly basis. But as great as he is, there are quite a few negative aspects about him. I really feel like Westbrook does a lot of things that are detrimental to the team and that will ultimately cause him to retire without a ring. Tags:basketball nba russell westbrook

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German Shepard Hates His Owner's Singing German Shepard Hates His Owner's Singing Internets Best

German Shepard is not a fan of his owner's singing. Tags:dogs german pets shepard singing

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Insane Amount Of Fireworks Set Off At Once Insane Amount Of Fireworks Set Off At Once Internets Best

That's a lotta fireworks, huge noise, spectacular. Tags:cool explosion fireworks noise

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Why Bonsai Are So Expensive Why Bonsai Are So Expensive Miscellaneous

Bonsai is an artform that requires years of training, and centuries of dedication. At the 2012 International bonsai Convention a tree was on sale for one hundred million yen, just under a million dollars. And many more of these trees are considered completely priceless. So what is it that makes these trees so expensive? Tags:bonsai cool expensive plant

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Fighter's Epic Spinning Kick Knockout Fighter's Epic Spinning Kick Knockout Internets Best

This was an incredible knockout. Tags:fight kick knockout spinning

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