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Chopping A Watermelon On a Glass Table Is a BAD Idea Chopping A Watermelon On a Glass Table Is a BAD Idea Internets Best

Extremely BAD idea! Tags:bad fail glass idea table watermelon

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Fall in love with a snoring fox Fall in love with a snoring fox Miscellaneous

Sweet dreams, little buddy… Tags:animals cute fox snoring wholesome

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Man cuts watermelon with his finger Man cuts watermelon with his finger Miscellaneous

Yeah, we have no idea how he does this either but we hope it’s real. Tags:finger man skill watermelon wtf

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Bow Hunter Forgot To Open The Glass Door Bow Hunter Forgot To Open The Glass Door Internets Best

Incredible fail! Tags:bow door fail glass hunter

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 2nd Story Couch Move Ends In Total Failure 2nd Story Couch Move Ends In Total Failure Internets Best

This is hard to watch. Tags:couch fail failure move

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Hit rock songs played on unusual instruments Hit rock songs played on unusual instruments Miscellaneous

Nothing like Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ on a marimba. Tags:music rock skill songs talent

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Guy's Epic Response To Clueless Woman Guy's Epic Response To Clueless Woman Internets Best

Great response! Tags:cars clueless epic funny response women

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One of the Coolest Flipbooks I've Seen One of the Coolest Flipbooks I've Seen Miscellaneous

This flipbook is simply amazing. Tags:christmas cool flipbook japan

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Protester Gets Nailed By Water Cannon Protester Gets Nailed By Water Cannon Internets Best

Water cannons are really powerful! Tags:cannon people police protest water

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Touching Moment Elephant Get Prosthetic Leg For The First Time Touching Moment Elephant Get Prosthetic Leg For The First Time Miscellaneous

Medo has a back injury caused by a forced breeding injury in her past. When people see her, they feel her suffering and that deep sadness for her condition. In fact, Medo has long adjusted to her past. She lives without many problems. Today is a special day for Medo, and ourselves. Medo has been given a prosthetic leg for the first time. She is embarrassed because it is not familiar. Every step she walks, the prosthetic leg supports her leg for more balance. And creates a better posture for walking at Elephant Nature Park. We do not know yet if she will accept this or not, but we are doing our best to accommodate this new appendage to her experience of life. Thanks so much to the Team at Gentle Giants, who have made this possible. Thanks so much to all who have participated to support Medo via Gentle Giants. Thanks to Derrick Campana for your dedication and ingenuity to assist the care of others who have great challenges. You are doing an important work. Learn More: Tags:animals elephant leg moment prosthetic touching

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The $7 Dollar Homemade Shotgun The $7 Dollar Homemade Shotgun Internets Best
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Amazing pizza delivery man! Amazing pizza delivery man! Funny

SHANNON YOUR PIZZA IS HEREEEEEE!!! Tags:cool delivery man pizza prank screaming

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